dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery,Oh, Dear Lottery, how I long for your embrace! My dreams dance with visions of your numbers, a symphony of digits that will rewrite my destiny. I dream of a life free from the shackles of bills, of indulging in passions long suppressed, of leaving a legacy for my loved ones. Each time I buy a ticket, a flicker of hope ignites within me. It whispers promises of a brighter tomorrow, a world where financial burdens are mere whispers of a past life. My mind races with possibilities a cozy cottage by the sea, a trip around the world, finally achieving that longheld dream of starting my own business. I know, Dear Lottery, that you are a fickle mistress. Your favors are bestowed upon the lucky few, leaving the rest of us with empty pockets and shattered dreams. But still, I cling to the belief that this time, my number will be called. Perhaps you are testing my faith, pushing me to the brink before bestowing your blessings. I accept the challenge, Dear Lottery, and I will continue to dream, to hope, and to believe. For who knows, maybe this time, the stars will align, and my life will change forever. So, Dear Lottery, I write this letter not as a beggar, but as a hopeful soul, a dreamer waiting for the day when your numbers will finally sing my name.

dear lottery